connect your dots
Krista Diego Krista Diego

connect your dots

Coaching can help you identify “blind spot” that are holding you back from the future you desire…

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making peace
Krista Diego Krista Diego

making peace

It’s possible to make peace with things you won’t ever be able to change…

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 a nifty word
Krista Diego Krista Diego

a nifty word

Add a nifty three letter word to your family chats…can you guess which one?…

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make a list
Krista Diego Krista Diego

make a list

If I made a list of all the things my husband does that bugs me…

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Krista Diego Krista Diego


I lived 50+ years thinking about what I “should do”, others “should do”, or what “should happen”…

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being you
Krista Diego Krista Diego

being you

How much thought have you put into what you really want, like, desire?…

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Krista Diego Krista Diego


One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to…

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