I offer private, personalized coaching—with an emphasis on kindness & fun.

I’m passionate about helping you reach your goals by implementing some simple, but highly effective, coaching tools & techniques. Coaching helps you better understand yourself, which is crucial to your daily mindset, but I spent most of my years without ever knowing this!

Now that I’ve learned how to better manage my mind, I feel more ready to face each day— no matter how it unfolds.

I’ll help you get to the root of your problem.

Making changes in your life comes after we’ve unearthed the cause, or triggers, of your problem. This allows you to better solve your issue, once and for all.

(Wouldn’t it be nice to finally resolve that recurring argument with your loved one?)

As your coach I won’t tell you what to do or how to feel. That’s for you to decide. What works for me, or others, may not work for you. I provide cheery and upbeat guidance…from a non-judgmental, neutral, and confidential place. My one job is to help you find your own path—and have fun doing it.

We’ll focus on making minor tweaks that have big impact on your life. Since your current beliefs, habits & reactions are deeply rooted, this takes time. But if you’re willing to commit to yourself, be curious, and feel a bit uncomfortable while trying new things, it’s totally worth it. You’ll end up being able to coach yourself through anything life throws your way…and bloom.

To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition
— Samuel Johnson

Yes, I want to bloom!

Book your complimentary 30 minute Discovery Chat to get started.