making peace

Happy Home Life Tip #16

Make peace with the things you won’t ever be able to change.

Easier said than done, am I right?

For example, I could feel:

Angry… when people don’t act the way I expect them to (especially being on time!).

Frustrated… when my husband doesn’t agree with me.


Embarrassed/Guilty… when my kids make decisions I wouldn’t have made.

But do I really want to walk around carrying Anger, Frustration, and Embarrassment/Guilt all day?  

No way, it’s too exhausting!

Instead, I can Choose to:

Share my desires with others, and make requests for things that matter to me.

Talk through things with my hubby that we don’t agree on— without becoming disagreeable.


Be proud that I put my best effort into raising our kids, and believe they know how to make wise decisions for themselves.

By making these small tweaks in my thought process, I feel so much lighter and unburdened. 

I can act the way I want to, and accept that the way others decide to respond is up to them.

When I used to try to control things that were “out of my control”  I felt like I was pushing a boulder up a hill each day, only to have it roll down again!

Learning how to let go of trying to control things, and be at peace with the outcome, was challenging for me. 

But I no longer push that boulder, or carry around uncomfortable emotions —like anger, frustration, or guilt.

I’m at peace.

Try letting go of just one thing “out of your control” today, and let me know how you feel.



If you’d like some help letting go of uncomfortable emotions you’ve been carrying around, I’m here for you.

Photo story:  I was thrilled to see little purple spring bulbs pop up last week…and then yesterday they got covered in snow!  Vermont weather is just one more thing I can’t expect to control.



expect your nest to feel different when empty


grow more love!