respect is all you need

Happy Home Life Tip #2.

I was introduced to this concept when I least expected it.

I was making small talk with a new brother in law who had just married into the family with his teenage sons.  

I complimented him on what great kids he had. 

He responded, “It’s all about respect.”

(that sounded kinda heavy as I was just making small talk, and only had a small child at the time)

But his comment stuck with me.

That conversation was over 30 years ago, but his comment became the foundation I built my marriage and parenting style on.


For me it keeps me centered and grounded.  

It’s a simple, easy rule to fall back on.

When I’m not sure what to do, I just ask “what would RESPECT do?”.

We respect everything in our family…ourselves, each other, our belongings, belongings of others, time, our health, our quirks and the quirks of others, differing beliefs and opinions, secrets, differing ideas on how to accomplish a task (SO hard for me!!), privacy, our money, our likes and dislikes, how we choose to express ourselves (another hard one for me, the extrovert, with several introverts in the bunch), wishes, dreams, the needs of our pets, and the list goes on…

How much respect weaves through your family life?

What does that look like? Would you like some help weaving in more?

(More is always better!) 

This one concept was a game-changer for me.




laugh, laugh, laugh!

