don’t punish the ones you love

Happy Home Life Tip #6 

Have you ever… 



taken away privileges, 

sent someone to their room, 

awarded demerits, 


put someone in a time out,

used the silent treatment,


withheld sex out of anger?

If so, you were using punishment to get others to cooperate. 

You might think you were just making a point. 

Or teaching a lesson.

Or doling out consequences.

(And, it might have worked, in the moment.)

But ultimately you were creating fear, resentment, dishonesty, and weaker relationships.

Stop using punishment!

Instead, start asking questions, connecting more, and trying to understand the ones you love.

Compassion and collaboration are the name of the game.

Need some guidance on how to replace punishment with collaboration?

Book your free, half-hour chat.

Let’s see if coaching with me, is right for you.



Photo:  This is Maeve, our young border collie. 

We’re training her with positivity, instead of punishment. 

 Pets are sensitive and smart.  

To create a strong, respectful bond, remain kind.


Imagine if I chose punishment when I’ve worked with cows, horses, llamas and alpacas. 

They far outweigh me!

They’d be scared, and I’d have very little control over their behavior.

And what would happen when they no longer feared me…you get the gist!

Kindness works better.


“best for today”


a great parent