
I’m Krista.

I bet I’m a lot like you. I’m a daughter, sister, friend, wife, mother and…grandmother!

I’m also a life coach, gardener, potter and farmer.

I feel like I’m living my true purpose and am genuinely honored to be able to assist other moms in finding theirs.

A little more about me…

I met my wonderful husband in college, over 38 years ago, while we were studying hospitality management. Together we’ve raised 3 sons and welcomed 3 daughters-in-law into the fold, while owning a bed & breakfast, managing and developing two destination resorts, restoring several antique homes, moving from Cape Cod to New Hampshire to Vermont, and tending a multitude of farm animals.

It wasn’t until my 50’s that I discovered life coaching, and it has totally changed my relationships!

At that time, I was planning my life’s “next chapter”. I wanted to continue to connect with & serve people…which had always been my favorite part of the hospitality world. And now I do just that, from our home called Wiggly Goat Farm, as a life coach for moms.

When I’m not coaching, I’m busy creating goat milk lotions, soaps, yarn and felted items to sell at local farmers markets and our Wiggly Goat Farm online store and Etsy shop.

I’d love to get to know you…and help you find more joy in today, grow into your dreams, and discover your own “next chapter”.


Book your complimentary 30 minute Discovery Chat today!