a nifty word

Happy Home Life Tip #13

Add a nifty three letter word to your family chats.

Can you guess which word?

It’s YET.

Here are some ways to use it:

Whenever you’re feeling confused, tell yourself, I haven’t figured it out “yet”.

(This will refocus your brain on finding a solution.)

When your partner can’t find a new job…say “You just haven’t found your new job, yet.”

(This will help your partner move on to the next opportunity with a more positive outlook…which can only add to the prospect of being hired!)

And when your child is frustrated while learning something new, and you add the word “yet”, you’re showing your child that you believe in them and their ability to figure it out.

(Of course you could offer help if asked, but letting them figure things out by trial and error helps them learn what works for them and what doesn’t.)

This is a small conversation tweak that has a big impact.

For other ways to improve your relationships with your partner and kids, let’s work together. 

A happier home life is possible!



Photo Story:

I was so excited when I first opened my business cards.

But as a “business” I didn’t have any clients…



make time to…


make a list