being you

Happy Home Life Tip #4

Be you.

I know this sounds like a simple concept, but it’s not.

How often do you let the “real you” guide you?

Do you always speak your mind, or find yourself adapting to others and “people-pleasing” just to seem nice and/or avoid conflict?

I, myself, have never been a people-pleaser.

I’ve been teased about how “exacting” and “blunt” I am, but for the most part, just being me has served me well.

Not everyone’s gonna like me, and that’s okay.

Of course, over the years I’ve toyed with the idea of learning to become more accommodating…

But, so often I meet “oh-so-nice-people-pleasers” who aren’t feeling very “pleased “; they’re feeling stuck and unhappy.

I’ve helped many clients work through the resentment & frustration they feel when others don’t reciprocate their kindness/fairness, or the pressure & guilt they feel to keep meeting the needs of others.

And the hard-to-hear truth is, if you’re a people-pleaser, you haven’t just been being nice, you’ve also been being fake, and lying…to yourself, and to others. 

(Harsh, but true!)

It’s harder to create strong family bonds if others don’t get to see the real you. 

If you commit to getting to know the real you, and speaking only the truth, you’ll be able to enjoy more authentic, close, and productive relationships.

Lucille Ball once said, “When I stopped being prisoner to others’ opinions of me, I became more confident and free”.

So…Who is the “real you” anyway?

How connected are you to your authentic self?

What do you truly want? 

What motivates you?

What do you believe?

Where do you draw the line?

What do you stand for?

What are your dreams made of? 

What lights you up?

What inspires you to take action?

What version of you do you want to live each day?

Maybe you already know.

Or maybe you’d like some help finding out. 

Shifting your mindset on this topic takes time, but it’s so freeing to just be you—100% of the time!

Be you, and like your reasons.

Like my eldest son always says, “You do you, Mom”.



The photo is my ewe, Hanna. Being herself. Get it? Couldn’t resist barn humor!


a great parent


laugh, laugh, laugh!