how to feel organized

Happy Home Life Tip #10

Pick a fun spring cleaning project.

Pick one that will have you feeling great when it’s done! 

(not one that you think you need to do, or should do, but one you want to do)

Spring is a great time to get more organized. 

When your home is less cluttered, your mind will be too!

When your brain says: 

It’ll be too hard

Answer: I can do hard things!

I can’t do it all

Answer: I’ll ask my husband and kids to help

It won’t be fun

Answer: We can think up ways to make it fun…music, dancing, chatting, snacks, invite some friends…

Where do I even start?

Answer: We’ll plan it out in small doable portions.  

We’ll get one part done, and then move on to the next

I’ll never finish it

Answer: Yes I will, because I’m going to love the outcome!

I’ll do it someday

Answer:  There are 7 days in the week and “someday” isn’t one of them

Focus on the part of the task that speaks to you. 


Do you love things super clean? 

Then perhaps you’d enjoy deep cleaning the fridge, bathroom or bedroom 

Do you love sorting?  (yes, I do!!) 

Make piles. 

One to keep, one to donate, one to throw and one to sell. 

(I always make a future-yard-sale pile)

Do you love decorating?  

Treat yourself by rearranging the furniture when the room is clean.

Are you competitive?  

Make the project into a family game or challenge.

Do you love shopping?  

Imagine how you’ll sell the items you’re clearing out to get something you really want

Do you love treasure hunting?

Clean out the attic, basement or peek in tucked away boxes

And if you’re like me…you’ll pick deep-cleaning the barn in preparation for new lambs!

This is an overwhelming topic for many of my clients.  If it is for you too, let’s work together. 

I can help you to get past the obstacles that are keeping you from having the calm, organized, uncluttered home that you crave. Peace is available!

Happy cleaning!

Happy Spring.



Photo: lambs from 2 years ago…Phoebe, the one on the right, is expecting her own lambs very soon




unplugged + together