“best for today”

Happy Home Life Tip #7

Doing your “best for today” is perfect!

My mentor, Brooke Castillo, teaches the 

concept of doing “B- Work”.  

When I first learned this concept, it didn’t sit well with me; 

I can surely do better than B-, I thought!

But I now understand why she teaches this.  

Aiming for B-, instead of A+, reduces some of the pressure to do things perfectly, and gets you moving towards your goals, instead of staying stuck in worry (that you’ll do it wrong or make a wrong decision), overwhelm (that it’s too hard) or guilt (that you’re not good enough for the task).

I renamed this concept “My Best for Today”.

Doing my best looks different each day.

Based on the circumstances, some days, I might accomplish a lot, while other days, “doing my best” looks like I just covering the basics.

This allows me to show up, jump in, participate, get involved, and put myself out into the world without needing to be what society might deem “perfect”, or A+. 

(If I waited for it to feel perfect, I’d probably still be waiting!)

Not putting unreasonable pressure on myself, and not worrying about what others might think, is so freeing.  

It helps me experience life, try new things, learn from mishaps, and make different choices next time.

I’m not perfect.  

I’m just doing my best for today.  

Perhaps tomorrow’s “best” will be even better!

You have permission to do your “best for today” and let go of all the rest.



If you’d like help not allowing perfection to stand in your way, I’m here to help. 

Letting go, is possible, and so much fun!

Photo Story:

This is me, with my llama friend, Moose.

In 2006, my husband’s job took us from Cape Cod to New Hampshire. 

We moved with kids, dogs, cats, sheep and goats.

To get me excited to move, my husband said, 

“In New Hampshire we’ll have more land, so you could get a llama”.    

We ended up getting four llamas, within a month of moving, even though our life and set-up were not yet perfect!

We had yet to build our barn, renovate our old house, get the kids acclimated, learn about our new community, put up fencing, or even learn everything about caring for llamas.  

But we made a “B- Plan” and made it work.

And I’m SO glad we did!



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