laugh, laugh, laugh!

Happy Home Life Tip #3

Don’t reserve laughing for only silly, happy times.

Laughter is great to use when you’re frustrated, annoyed, or even full- blown angry.

Used well, laughter allows you to blow off steam, let yourself feel your emotions, and get your point across—without causing a war.

My husband and I use it quite often, (now that we’re retired from careers in hospitality and work from home). 

We both think our way is best, when approaching home projects or chores.

Recently we used laughter by calling each other slightly offensive, but funny, names while trying to do a task.  

The joking lasted all day and into the next.

It was so much fun!

It went something like this (but not exactly).

Wow, you’re so bossy.

Thank you for noticing, I’m actually the King of Bossiness.

Should I bow to you?

Yes, and please address me as Your Highness.

You know exactly how to do everything.

Yes, and you are so lucky to be married to such a knowledgeable guy.


You get the gist.

But laughing at everything didn’t come easily to me. 

I tend to be more focused on showing others how to do things “right”.

That served me well as an instructor, manager and mother of youngsters, 

but not so much with my husband, grown kids, and daughters in law.

I had to learn to laugh…not just when life is funny, but when it’s frustrating too.

So…how do you use laughter?

How often do you incorporate humor into the annoying parts of your day?

Using laughter as a “go-to” tool is great for children to learn too.

You can always stop and ask yourself, “In what way is this also kinda funny?”.



P.S. Photo is of me, 2 years ago, with my silly Finnsheep lambs.  

They were so cute, it was hard not to laugh!  

I’m hoping our ewes are pregnant again.  Cross your fingers for me. 

(I’ll post photos on Instagram @wigglygoatfarm when, and if, lambs arrive)


being you


respect is all you need