make a list

Happy Home Life Tip #12

If I asked you to write a list of all the things your partner does that bugs you, I bet you’d have 2 or 3 things jotted down before I finished writing this sentence. 

I know this because you’re human.

Your brain is very good at looking for things that are “wrong”.  

Mine is too! 

Looking for danger (and avoiding physical and emotional pain) has helped us survive since our cave-dwelling days.

But our lives aren’t so dangerous anymore.

We can take time to enjoy the present and appreciate what we have.

Here’s a great way to refocus your brain:

In the next 15 minutes, make a list of 25 things you LOVE about your partner! 

Then, over the rest of the day, add 25 more.

By making such a long list, you’ll focus your brain on your partner’s positive traits.  

I call this “re-training your brain”.  

This will balance out the negatives that your brain is usually looking for.

By the end of today, you’ll have 50 things to be delighted with about your partner!! Won’t that feel amazing?

(there might be totally new things on the list, or at least things you haven’t appreciated in awhile)

I’ve never had a client who didn’t feel better about her partner after doing this challenge.

Are you up for it?



Photo Story:  Our new puppies Maeve (border collie) & Molly (golden retriever).

We hit a snag in our marriage while parenting our new pups this year.

Chris was excited about getting pups when he retired; while working he didn’t get the chance to train our past dogs.

His style of training is more lenient than mine, and we’re seeing the results in “needy/clingy” girls.

My brain likes to point this out, a lot! 

(especially when he lets them on the bed)

To stop negatively focusing on this, I made a list.

I wrote…

my husband is very nice to our pets

he’d never hurt or yell at a dog

he’s very patient

he deserves to have puppies

he walks them several times a day

he’ll provide anything they need

he never questions the costs related to having them

they come when he calls them

they are his buddies in the woods

he looks happy

he never questions me having a barn full of sheep, llamas, alpacas and goats!

And if you’d like more guidance improving your marriage, let’s chat. 

It is truly possible to have a happier marriage.


a nifty word

