it turns out you can teach and old dog new tricks…

Happy Home Life Tip #37

For over 34 years I’ve delighted in experiencing all the ever-changing phases of motherhood, and this week I began to navigate yet one more…learning how to be a grandmother!

Our grandson is 4 days old, and I’m beginning to think about what kind of a grandmother I want to be.

Of course I have no control over how my son and daughter in-law will choose to parent, how my husband will act in his new role as “Pops”, or if my grandson will grow to enjoy me or not. 

But I can control how I think, feel and behave.

And I can try to understand how others may feel about my behavior.

I’ve already discovered that my desire to learn my grandson’s name (it took awhile) and request to visit him in the hospital was perceived as pressure… instead of simple enthusiasm.  Okay, point taken!

That’s where learning the art of self-coaching has been so helpful to me. 

It’s given me the ability to view myself as a compassionate observer instead of feeling shame for being impatient (to learn the name and wanting to visit), or being overly critical of myself.  It’s allowed me some grace as I navigate my new role as “Mimi”, and the ability to hold space for the point of view of others in our family.

If you find yourself struggling with being a mom, mother in-law or grandmother, you don’t have to go it alone. I can help.

You can book a free Discovery Chat to see if coaching with me is right for you.

Getting clear on exactly what kind of a mother you want to be, while giving yourself compassion and grace, is a great place to start. Learning how to self-coach can guide you through any situation you’ll ever encounter.

It’s 100% possible for you to enjoy all phases of motherhood, and feel like you’re doing an amazing job along the way! 

I’d love to show you how.




unyoke yourself


expressions of love don’t have to look pretty