unyoke yourself

Happy Home Life Tip #38

It’s time to unyoke yourself from disempowering beliefs.

It’s time to stop telling yourself you’re not a “good enough” wife or mother and that you’re not doing everything “right”.

Did you know you don’t have to be the one who has all the answers, makes everything lovely at home, and makes everyone in your family happy?

(It’s not even possible to do those things…but we often believe that it is, and that it’s our job to make it so.)

You have permission right now to stop believing that!

You can stop comparing yourself to others and let go of all the stories about what kind of wife or mother you “should” be.

I can teach you how to grow new beliefs that have you feeling excited & empowered to become the woman you most want to be.

And when you show up in the world as that version of yourself, I promise, it will feel “right” and “enough”. 

(And, as a bonus, the people you most love in the world will benefit too!)



PS: If this idea feels foreign and not even possible, you’re not alone, and there’s nothing wrong with you.  I have a plethora of amazingly effective concepts & strategies to help unyoke you from your disempowering beliefs forever!

Photo story:  We  found this, and several other yokes, in our late 1700’s Vermont barn.


what’s your story?


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