expressions of love don’t have to look pretty

Happy Home Life Tip #36

Expressions of love don’t have to look pretty.

They don’t have to come with beautifully wrapped gifts, candles, flowers or a special night out in order to be romantic.

Let me explain…

Yesterday my husband said he had a surprise for me, and it was somewhere in the house.  He’s pretty introverted so he didn’t say more than that.

It wasn’t a special occasion; we were just spending the day renovating our 1772 Vermont farmhouse, as usual.  

When it was time to do my evening chores, I ventured down the creepy cellar stairs to turn on the water that feeds a hose to the barn. Someday we’ll have a water faucet inside the barn for our sheep, llamas, alpacas, and goats, but it’s pretty low on the priority list right now. 

It was then that I noticed there was a brand new stair tread in place of a broken one we’d been living with for over a year.  What a great surprise!!

I ran out to the barn with a smile and a hug to thank him. Replacing that step made such a difference to my daily life, and to our safety.

But the best part was that he’d turned it into a surprise!  It was fun. It was exciting. It made me feel special. And it reminded me how grateful I am to have such a talented and loving husband.  

Who knew love could look like an old step to our root cellar?!

So…why not give your brain the task of creating surprises for your loved ones, and for taking more notice of the little things that already make your life wonderful? 

When you set your brain on this quest it’s amazing how much fun & connection you’ll create and how much more gratitude you’ll feel.

I can’t wait to surprise my husband with something I’m going to fix!




it turns out you can teach and old dog new tricks…


until you see that “enjoying something” is a choice, it won’t be