you’ll forever be their mother

Happy Home Life Tip #33

Just because your child is an adult doesn’t mean your job as a parent is over…far from it!

If you have an adult child, do you ever feel





disappointed by what your child does and says?

I know, those feelings can hurt.

But what if you thought that your child’s behavior was totally normal?

What if you actually expected children to “pull away” a bit from the family and start creating their own values, strong opinions, schedules that don’t revolve around their parents, and new ways to celebrate holidays?

What if you thought you did a fabulous job as a mother to get them to this point?

What if you believed they would one day notice and appreciate all you’ve done for them, even if that day might be far into the future?

Believe it or not, adult children need you more than ever—even if sometimes it doesn’t feel that way.

They need you to be their rock. Their port in the storm. Their north star.

As they stumble and fall while trying new things, (much like they did as a toddler), they’ll need to know you’ll always be there...

available to them,

believing in them,

supporting them,

being non-judgmental,

willing to lend a hand if asked,

being their biggest fan,

always happy to see or hear from them,

and loving them without any strings attached.

I worked hard to develop these skills and become a mom my kids can count on, because I never felt my own parents were there for me.

It doesn’t mean I agree with, or even like, all the things my kids do.

It just means I’ve decided how I want to show up as their mother. My kids have said I’m “a bit much” and that I have “a big personality”…and I’ve decided to love that. (I’ve chosen to not think of those comments as insults!)

It IS totally possible to feel calm, empowered, and in control of your own emotions while watching your kids mature and creating a “new normal” with your adult children.

It is totally possible to even laugh at things they do that used to make you sad or frustrated.

I can show you how to do this.

Because not only do I have the skills as a certified life coach to help you…I also have 3 adult sons, 2 daughters in law (and hopefully someday a third) and our first grandbaby on the way. (I’ll be learning how to navigate the role of grandmother soon!)

If you’re going through a rocky period with your adult child, please don’t wait to get some relief.

Just schedule a free half hour chat with me. You can tell me what you’re experiencing and I can show you your road map to a happier relationship.

Learning how to create an easy-breezy relationship with your adult child is a new skill to be learned, but I can assure you, it will be totally worth it.



PS: Please share this post with someone you love. Everyone deserves to feel happy...especially within their own family. I'm all about family harmony!

Photo story: My eldest son, from Charleston, visited us in Vermont recently before he and his wife moved to Minneapolis. Of course his crazy, farmer mother had to show him our new lambs!


positive parenting


gotta love some grace