stretched too thin

Happy Home Life Tip #31

Do you ever feel like you’re getting stretched too thin?

I try not to let things gets “stretched too thin” while spinning yarn—I draft (stretch) the wool as it feeds onto the bobbin, while being careful not to let it break.  And, while spinning lately, I thought about how this time of year can feel the same way for moms.

You’re trying to fit everything in…end of school activities, start of summer activities, weddings, showers, summer yard work, cookouts, visitors or mini vacations…while being careful not to break.

You’re not alone, Mom, and nothing is wrong with you.  Many mothers feel stretched to the point of burnout during May and June.  

But there is a solution. There’s a way to truly enjoy this time of year without getting burned out. I know, because I’ve done it.

It requires you to be willing to change your mindset.

It requires you to notice when that voice inside your head says  “because I’m the mom, I should be able to handle everything perfectly, and do it all with a smile on my face even though I’m becoming overwhelmed”, and answer that voice with “why?”.  

The truth is that you get to be the kind of mom you want to be.  You get to choose what you add to your to-do list and what you say “no” to.  

Because if trying to be the best mother you can be, leaves you stretched-too-thin, your efforts are working against you.  You’ll end up being too exhausted to create the home life you really want or show up as the mother/partner you most want to be.

Here’s a way to start giving yourself some relief:

1. Make a list of all the things your brain thinks you have to do.

2. Highlight the things you “should” do, but really don’t “want” to do. Be honest! Eliminate, or delegate to others, the things that are highlighted. Remind yourself it’s perfectly okay to not do these things—no matter what others might say.

3. Remind yourself there really is nothing you “have” to do in life.  There are only things you “want/choose” to do.  Keep only those things on your list. 

(example: you don’t have to change a diaper…you want/choose to for the sake of your baby’s skin and comfort…or you don’t have to pay taxes…you want/choose to so you don’t go to jail).  Make sure the things you keep on your list align with who you are and who you want to be.  Think carefully about the things you choose to keep on your list, and like your reasons.

4. Prioritize your list of when items need to get done.  And when there’s a lot to get done all at once, start with the quickest and easiest one so you can check it off, and start feeling some forward momentum!

By only doing things you want/choose to do, you’ll feel lighter and more free to be the version of you that you like best.  Your family will be grateful too!

I know this is a tough concept.  I’d be honored to help you get a handle on this.  You can book a free chat with me to learn more.  Being overwhelmed, stretched-too-thin, or even totally burned out is not what you deserve.



PS: In case you were on the fence about working with me, good news—I just dropped my prices…I thought it would be helpful with the current inflation.

Photo Story: some art yarn I spun for the Vergennes, VT Farmers Market, my other biz is Wiggly Goat Farm


gotta love some grace


a paradox