
Happy Home Life Tip #29

What do you hope for?

I hoped that our barn swallows (my favorites) would come back this year.  And they did! This week I’m hoping for rain, since we dearly need it.

Hope is perfect for things that are truly out of our control (like the birds, or the weather, or winning the lottery, or getting diagnosed with a serious illness), but for most things, hope isn’t especially helpful.

Hope sounds lovely, I know.  

But actually, hope keeps you stuck and waiting for others, or the universe, to change, in order for you to feel better.

It’s time to stop hoping and start taking action!  

Start today by noticing what you’ve been hoping (waiting) for.  Then take back your power by deciding to take one small step towards making your dreams come true.

This sounds like such an insignificant concept but I assure you it’s not.  Many of my clients are stuck in what I call The Waiting Place. 

Waiting for their partners to do or say the right things.

Waiting for their children to behave and live up to their expectations.

Waiting for life’s challenges to ease up so they’ll have time to get organized or relax.

Waiting until they’ve done “enough” so they can feel worthy of praise.

Waiting for the perfect diet to show them how to lose weight.

Waiting for their boss (or others) to notice how great they are.

Waiting for life to feel fun again.


I can show you exactly how to stop waiting, and hoping, and start taking control.

Of course, reaching your goal can’t be realized overnight…but being the one in control of the process—instead of just being hopeful—is so empowering, and worth the time and trials & errors it takes to get there.



I can show you a plethora of tools to help you gain more power over the outcomes in your life.

If you’d like to learn about them, go to book your free chat.

You have more power over your life than you might think. 

Let’s let Hope be for things we truly cannot change.

Photo story:  Our lovely barn swallows return!


a paradox


intuitive things