intuitive things

Happy Home Life Tip #28

Sometimes things just aren’t intuitive.

Recently I designed a banner and product stickers for my Wiggly Goat Farm booth for this summer’s Vergennes Farmers Market. (It’s been a dream of mine to qualify as a weekly vendor!)

I found formatting the text and photos quite difficult; not at all “intuitive”…as my son (who designed my Let’s Bloom Coaching website and my Wiggly Goat Farm logo) likes to think it is.

I asked him so many questions that he ended up making me a video tutorial to refer to. I also got help from my husband and Vistaprint.

I’m pretty happy with the results.

Why am I telling you all this?

Because it’s okay not to be naturally good at everything! One of the things I am intuitively good at is marriage.

That’s why I became a marriage (and parenting) coach.

Recently a client told me she’s “just not good” at being married. (Wouldn’t it be nice if marriage came with an instruction manual like our cars and appliances do?)  She felt embarrassed, not very capable, a bit of a failure and sort of defeated. But she wanted to stay married, be happy, and “get better at it”.

Luckily she found me.  I can’t help her with printing needs but I can certainly help her improve her relationship skills.

I’ve been practicing marriage (to the same great guy) for over 36 years…I’m constantly studying relationship psychology (because I love it)…and I’ve developed a straight-forward way to help anyone improve their marriage.

I like to think of a marriage relationship as having 3 parts…like a 3-legged stool.  And as with the stool, all 3 parts (or legs) need to remain strong.

One “leg” is You, another is Your Partnership, and the last is Fun.

If you’re struggling with your relationship, one leg of your stool could use some strengthening. 


It could be something to do with You…

how you feel about yourself, or your people-pleasing tendencies, or your boundaries, or what triggers you, or how you see life’s challenges…


It could be something to do with Your Partnership…

how you work as a team, how you disagree, your expectations of your partner, your different love languages, your different temperaments, your goals, how you handle your finances, or how you parent together…


It could be something to do with Fun…

being too disorganized/overwhelmed/stressed-out/scheduled to have fun together, or allowing your closeness to drift apart, or not making each other a priority, or letting intimacy fade, or forgetting to laugh and do silly things together, or ending up in “a rut” and not knowing how to get out of it…

or entirely something else!


As your coach, I can help you find out what’s making your marriage stool wobbly.  I ask questions, and listen in a non-judgmental way while you talk, and together we figure out what part of your stool needs strengthening.

And then we fix it.

If you’re not perfectly delighted with the state of your marriage, it’s worth investing in learning some new tools to keep all three parts of your marriage strong. 

What I love about marriage is that it’s constantly changing and evolving.  If you have the right tools to handle any challenge, it can be pretty exciting and fulfilling.

And when your marriage feels easy-breezy, your home life becomes more harmonious, and life is much more fun.



I’m pretty intuitive when it comes to creating a happy marriage.  And I have tons of experience.  If you’d like to strengthen your marriage skills, just schedule your free chat to get started. A better marriage is possible, and you deserve it.




the essence of life