being present

Happy Home Life Tip #26

Be present with your loved ones.

Sounds basic, no?  It is.  

But how often do you truly focus on what your partner or kids are saying?

Two things happened recently that reminded me of the importance of being present.


While attending The Positive Parenting Conference, the author of the book Raising Good Humans spoke about the importance of practicing mindfulness.  

Mindfulness basically means focusing on the present moment.

If you want to create deep and loving connections with the ones you love, this is essential.

Everyone desires, and deserves, to feel heard and wanted.

I was kinda ignored as a child (for the full story, read Blog #1 at ) so I’ve always strived to stop what I’m doing, and really listen to my kids and husband.  

After all, I chose to have them in my life…and I’ll forever choose to make them the most important part.


I watched a mother purposefully ignore her 5 year old in a store who kept repeating himself. 

She told me, “I know he’s trying to get my attention, but I’m trying to teach him a lesson by ignoring him”.

I wanted to ask, “What lesson?  That you’re not interested enough to pay attention to him, and that you don’t mind if this makes him feel unsafe, adrift and disconnected from the person who’s supposed to show him love and the one he’s supposed to trust?”  

But, I kept my mouth shut.

No matter how busy you feel, if you make time for your child or partner now, it will make your relationships stronger for the future. 


When your hands are full, you could kindly explain that you’d be happy to listen to them in a few minutes when you have more time to focus.  

Because if your loved ones can’t count on your focus and interest today, they may not even want to ask for it in the future.  

I know this for a fact.  

I grew up caring very little about getting attention from my parents or including them in my life.

And since I’ve always practiced mindfulness with my children, as adults, they still bounce ideas off my husband and I and willingly, and lovingly, include us in their lives.

Be mindful, and stay connected.



I’d love to help you create a more mindful relationship with the ones you love.  Just book your free half hour chat to get started. Future You will be grateful you did.

Photo:  I highly recommend reading Hunter Clarke-Fields’ book… with a cut of tea and some dark chocolate! 


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