Mother’s Day + disappointment

Happy Home Life Tip #21

Avoid feeling disappointed, let-down, resentful, left-out, under-appreciated or unhappy this Mother’s Day.


Since your loved ones can’t possibly read your mind, help them out by describing your version of a perfect Mother’s Day.

Would you like a certain gift, a get-together, flowers, an adventurous outing, a day to yourself, or to be taken out to eat?  Whatever you desire, let them know, by making a request.

If you’ve never done this, I promise, it works!  It’s also more fair to you and your family.  As you know, I’m all about family harmony!

 My request is to hear from each one of my sons— that would be perfect for me. (Oh, and chocolate.  Every holiday is better with chocolate!)

Don’t spend one more holiday being disappointed, Mom.

Life’s too short, and you’re too amazing for that!



Photo Story:  These are my guys!  It’s one of my favorite photos, taken 8 years ago, in Scotland, at Tucker & Bethan’s wedding. 

PS:  If Mother’s Day brings up any unhappy feelings for you, let’s chat.  You deserve to feel amazing each and every day.  I know motherhood can be overwhelming.  That’s why I picked helping moms as my niche. You deserve to feel better.  Let me help.




goodbye to mom guilt