thoughts are key

Happy Home Life Tip #24

You get to choose want you want to think about the facts of your life… 

such as your marriage, or job, or family, or health, or financial status, or what someone said, or what happened to you, or a situation you’re experiencing right now, etc.

Why am telling you this?

Because the way you think about things, dictates how you feel.

And how you feel, fuels how you’ll behave.

And how you behave (what you do, don’t do, or avoid doing) creates the kind of life you have.

That’s just how the brain works.

Having the life you desire is yours to control.  It all lies in the small space between the circumstances in your life, and what you choose to think about them.

The life you want doesn’t just happen to you; you create it.

Brooke Castillo, founder of The Life Coach School where both coach Jody Moore and I studied, created this concept, and named it The Model. It’s one of the tools I teach to my clients and help them apply to their lives.

Jody has a fabulous podcast called Better Than Happy with Jody Moore.  I urge you to listen to #355 (I listened to it today and loved it) where her guest, the witty Dr. Paul Jenkins, takes The Model one step further.

It’s best to hear it from him, but in essence he teaches:

When we think our life “could be better” than what it is now, we feel depressed.

When we think “things could always be worse”, we feel grateful.

When we expect that what will come will be “worse than what it is now”, we feel anxiety.

When we expect the future to “be better”, we feel hopeful.

Our life “is what it is”, and we get to choose how we evaluate it.



This concept was a game-changer for me.  Unfortunately I didn’t learn this until my 50’s.  If you’d like help applying this to your life, let’s chat.

Your life truly can be as wonderful as you’d like it to be.  I wish I’d learned this much earlier!

Photo:  Since I had no photo to go with this post, I’m inviting you to imagine how wonderfully fragrant my lilac smell today. 


happiness, plus so much more


less stress, more creativity