Hi. I’m Krista Diego.

I’m a certified marriage & motherhood coach.

I help moms create “home sweet home” —a place where everyone can feel safe, heard and respected.

Being a mom myself, I know it can be the most delightful—and also frustrating—job on Earth. It seems so important to “do it right” but since it doesn’t come with an instruction manual, and it’s ever-changing, I know the job of “Mom” can also seem overwhelming.

Every mom deserves support!

I have a plethora of tools, techniques, and concepts to help you work through any issue you’re facing today, work on your dreams for tomorrow, and help you to feel your very best, and bloom!


How To Bloom

Step One

Plant Seeds of Thought

Let yourself imagine what you most desire. Perhaps you're imagining feeling more in love with your honey, more connected to your kids, happier, less stressed, unburdened, more worthy, at peace, more organized, and in control, or being a mom who truly believes in herself. 


Step Two


Watch those seeds of thought take root and begin to grow. I’ll show you simple, but effective, ways for you to cultivate and nurture your dreams. And they'll be things you can start on today! This is not nearly as hard as your brain is telling you it is. You can do this. You certainly deserve this. And I can help.


Step Three


Marvel at the joy of blooming into the woman you've always wanted to be. You're radiant, vibrant and empowered and know exactly how to create the life you imagined—one where you can easily handle all the issues of today...and make your tomorrow dreams come true! 



Before meeting Krista I was feeling out of control and utterly lost on how to parent my toddler. There are so many books and so many methods of the "right way" to be a parent, yet none of them felt fully aligned with me. Within minutes of hearing Krista break down her philosophy on raising children, things just started to click differently.

After that first meeting, I spent a week with these simple concepts in mind and filtered all of my parenting challenges through her lens. The shifts were immediate. I felt a renewed sense of connection to my daughter and she seemed to feel it too.

Krista helped me to realize that the best parenting method we can use is built around our own unique set of values and goals. The simple practice of identifying what those values are was cathartic and empowering for me. This concept pairs well with the practical tools and concepts that she breaks down into totally digestible pieces.

One key takeaway from my experience is that Krista gave me the permission slip (and the tools) I needed to be “curious and compassionate” about my challenges with motherhood, instead of feeling guilt or shame. This has allowed me to shift away from a reactionary state of thinking on my feet all the time to proactively setting myself up for successful days with a little one.

So much of Krista’s coaching has already translated far beyond motherhood for me. I feel so much more capable of building structure and authenticity into all parts of my life and relationships. I am so grateful for this experience and plan to check in with Krista for as long as she offers coaching services. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

- Adriana G.

Krista has infectious positive energy that stayed with me each week. She shared a wealth of life experience, coaching skills, and useful questions and frameworks that helped (and continue to help!) me find my own answers and re-think my problems and options. It was both uplifting and immensely practical, and her ideas made an immediate difference in my life. Participating in group coaching with her was especially beneficial, as it offered new connections and allowed us to apply the new frameworks right away to help each other workshop our challenges.

- Leah F.

Krista brings a wealth of knowledge, experience and enthusiasm to her coaching. I picked up little nuggets of wisdom that i've been incorporating into my life as a brand new mama!

- Jennifer B.

Yes, I want to bloom!

Book your complimentary 30 minute Discovery Chat to get started.